Upper Elementary

Head of Upper Elementary Division message

Dear Learners,

Summer holidays are over, and it is time to embark on a new adventure and a new and bright learning opportunity. As this new academic year begins, it is time to settle ourselves back to our routine. Beginnings at times may seem difficult; it is quite natural to feel anxious and have thoughts and questions about the year ahead. When you have your doubts or worries, remember that we believe in you and your potential; we are here to support you along your learning path. We are looking forward to see you back in those classrooms, filling the desks with your inquisitive minds and your cheerful smiles discovering new trails of knowledge and seeking new horizons.

Have a fantastic school year!

About The Division

The second cycle of the Elementary Division (Upper Elementary) consists of Grades 4, 5, and 6 for learners between 9 and 11 years old. Learners in this cycle cover 8 sessions and 2 recesses every day. The most remarkable feature in this cycle is the learners’ desire for knowledge. They continuously seek knowledge, ask for reasons and causes behind effects and interrelated concepts. They wonder about relationships and about their own place in the world. They also begin to experience a higher sense of independency.

We strongly oversee and cater for the learners’ inquisitiveness at this level in order to advance the social skills that they have already acquired. Consequently, learners start building stronger social relations with their peers and teachers and become more capable of taking responsibility for their actions. They develop preliminary critical thinking skills as well as an ability to express simple abstract ideas. Moreover, they become more conscious of values that they practice while they interact with others and make choices in order to become ready to undergo bigger challenges. Two of the major educational programs and projects in this cycle are:

Advisory Program:

In order to ensure a calm and peaceful start, every school day begins with a 15- minute- advisory session in which learners discuss with their Class Advisor different topics that are planned weekly and are aligned with the general Theme of the Year. This program is aimed primarily at developing the spiritual and humanitarian dimensions of the learner. It also encourages learners to become committed members to their family, school, society, and national issues and hence to nature and humanity. Moreover, the Advisory Program encourages learners to communicate and develop their expression, discussion, and debating skills.

The Advisory Program starts at this level and continues throughout all academic levels. Thus, it addresses every group according to age distinctiveness. It also helps creating a relaxed atmosphere in class and increases homogeneity within the group.

Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française (D.E.L.F.) :

Given the importance of languages for proper communication with different communities and identification of diverse cultures, and as the French Language still has an important role in the contemporary history of our country, our school prepares learners for the D.E.L.F. which is supervised by the French Ministry of Education through its cultural centers that are established all over the world.

The Science Fair:

In order to connect scientific knowledge with practice, the Science Fair is considered as a special annual opportunity for learners to devise and perform scientific plans that are connected to their reality and environment. Learners apply their plans by practicing scientific thinking, observing, comparing, connecting, and inferring through a cooperative and competitive approach.