
Head of Preschool Division message

Dear Preschoolers,

Summer vacation has passed quickly announcing the beginning of a new academic year. I am looking forward to greeting you with your big smiles and lovely faces. Preschool classrooms and hallways will be filled again with the sound of your laughter and happiness.

You are going to have a great time at school. You will sing songs and read stories, make projects and learn so many wonderful new things. Of course there will be lots of new friends who will be waiting to play and learn with you too.

Life is full of challenges and challenges are full of learning opportunities. Every day you will learn something new and take it home. You may carry it in your hand, you may let it thrive in your mind, and at many times you may embrace it in your heart.

I wish you all the luck as you are all set to begin a new year. May you shine bright and happy with your efforts and achievements.

About The Division

The Preschool Division consists of three different levels for learners between 3 and 5 years old. For preschoolers, each academic day is divided into 7 sessions along with a 30 -minute recess.

Preschool learners get trained to determine new concepts and discover the variety of learning resources through different teaching methods. In order to develop their intellectual skills, acquire new terminology and advance their oral communication skills, they participate in different educational activities; one of which is the “Awareness Program”.

Awareness Program:

It seeks to direct the attention of preschool learners toward the concepts, behaviors, and values that stimulate their relationships with their surroundings. The school sets the appropriate awareness program that helps learners discover themselves and the world around them. The learners start obtaining the necessary skills through different educational activities suitable for their age level and in harmony with the general Theme of the Year. This program invites learners to appreciate God’s gifts on their bodies and souls primarily, as well as, on their families, communities, and environments.

By the end of the Preschool Cycle, learners acquire the basic fine motor skills, which are necessary to their physical growth. They also acquire the basic reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.