Lower Elementary

Head of Lower Elementary Division message

Dear Learners,

Welcome back to school!

We hope you had a wonderful summer full of happy memories and fun adventure. It is great to have you back!

This is going to be a memorable year and we look forward to watching you grow and bloom to your full potential. There will be ups and downs - that’s the only way to go. Be sure that we will help you reach the top, and once there, we will celebrate with you, and if you feel like you are at the bottom, do not worry. We are here for you!

It is a very exciting journey to be on. There is so much to learn, so many friends to make, so many memories to cherish. Be kind and persevere! It is going to be an amazing year!

About The Division

The first cycle of the Elementary Division (Lower Elementary) consists of Grades 1, 2, and 3 for learners between 6 and 8 years old. Learners in this cycle cover 8 sessions and 2 recesses every day. At this stage, learners experience the transformation from dependency to self-reliance. They continue to grow physically, psychologically, and cognitively, as they are encouraged to do several hands-on activities. They gradually become able to plan and carry out group projects under the supervision of their educators.

Learners in this cycle master basic language and mathematical skills through discovery learning. They also develop fine social relations with their teachers and other learners and by time, they start to differentiate between improper and acceptable behavior. They also start taking responsibility. One of the educational programs that support the development of the learners in this cycle is the Advisory Program.

Advisory Program:

In order to ensure a calm and peaceful start, every school day begins with a 15- minute- advisory session in which learners discuss with their Class Advisor different topics that are planned weekly and are aligned with the general Theme of the Year. This program is aimed primarily at developing the spiritual and humanitarian dimensions of the learner. It also encourages learners to become committed members to their family, school, society, and national issues and hence to nature and humanity. Moreover, the Advisory Program encourages learners to communicate and develop their expression, discussion, and debating skills.

The Advisory Program starts at this level and continues throughout all academic levels. Thus, it addresses every group according to age distinctiveness. It also helps creating a relaxed atmosphere in class and increases homogeneity within the group.