Learning Support

Head Of Learning Support Department Message

Dear Learners,

Every learner is different, that we know. However, with each learner bringing their strengths and challenges to the table, you have so much more to offer. Because of your diversities, you have a lot to share. Along with your strengths, comes wisdom beyond your years. Along with your challenges, comes an opportunity to educate your educators about a world beyond our upbringing.

With you, we learned to embrace change, celebrate differences, and test own perspectives. Through you, we have learned that teaching in the real world is much different from how it is portrayed in my college textbooks.

Always share yourselves freely, and do not acclimate to the point of losing your identity. Be proud of yourselves, and be confident that the classroom community that you spend your day with is proud of you too.

About The Department

Saint Mary’s Orthodox College is among the first Schools in Lebanon to develop a specialized department whose mission is to create an inclusive environment. The Learning Support Department caters for learners who experience a wide range of difficulties such as learning disorders, ADHD, Autism, language disorders, and behavioral problems. Furthermore, the department provides equal learning opportunities for all children and adolescents. Once the assessment and intervention plan is constructed, learners benefit from the department’s services through either one on one pull out sessions or small homogenous groups. When needed, assistance in the classroom is also provided. The department also tailors the needed adaptations, modification, and accommodations for each learner based on their needs within the regular classroom.It also provides individualized supporting sessions whenever necessary, as well as the adequate modification of the curriculum and the assessment tools.

As for learners with special needs, such as those with speech delay, language difficulties, and psycho-motor deficiencies, a group of professional multi-disciplinary educators and therapists looks after their needs. They work to provide a suitable educational atmosphere within a normal classroom setting, which helps learners develop their abilities to grasp knowledge and improve their social inclusion, until they reach the best level of independency and self-satisfaction.

On the other hand, and based on class capacity, our school welcomes learners with physical disabilities and provides whatever is necessary so that they won’t encounter an obstacle that might stop them from continuing their education within normal classes.