Eductional Programs

Awareness Program

This program sensitizes preschoolers on a variety of values, manners, and concepts related to their environment. Its main objective is to give youngsters the opportunity to practically experience and discover themselves and their surroundings. This is done through educational activities compatible with their age level and in accordance with the Yearly Theme. It is through introducing learners to their bodies, families, environment, nature, etc… that they learn to appreciate, respect and protect God’s endowments to them.

Advisory Program

The Advisory Program is enthused by the Theme of the Year, a theme that instills certain set of proficiencies and values in learners. It is one of the educational non-academic programs that assists learners as they are sculpting their personality, especially on the spiritual and human levels, resulting in a positive awakening to social behavior and to matters related to family, school, society and hence to nature and humanity. During Advisory sessions that vary in length and content according to the age level of the learners, the latter discuss and debate, with their class advisor, topics and issues of general interest inspired by the Yearly Theme of the School.
Moreover, the advisory program encourages learners to communicate and helps them acquire proper discussion and debate skills and manners while expressing and defending their opinions within their group-class and with respect to their age characteristics, thus enhances and ensures the learners’ Holistic development.
Awareness and safety campaigns are also organized in the frame of the Advisory Program to spread awareness in the school’s community on important rising matters.

Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française (D.E.L.F.)

Given the importance of languages for proper communication with different communities and identification of diverse cultures, and as the French Language still has an important role in the contemporary history of our country, our school prepares learners for the D.E.L.F. which is supervised by the French Ministry of Education through its cultural centers that are established all over the world.

Youth Talk Program

This is a community service program, which enhances Secondary learners’ sense of civic engagement, citizenship, and self-esteem as well as their social and humanitarian awareness. It helps them reach a personal understanding of the world around them and fosters their sense of respect and responsibility towards people in the social and humanitarian institutions and Non-governmental Organizations of their community. Learners will thus fill their free time with beneficial activities, which will help them further discover God through positive contact with His creation.
In this program, learners choose an NGO in which they would like volunteer and where they would plan and execute their social project, individually or in-group. The YSP coordinator cooperates with the concerned NGO during the period in order to ensure that the implementation of the project is done in alignment with the school’s mission, vision and the objectives of the program.

Youth Stewardship Program

In this program, our youth is trained to enrich their civic engagement, citizenship, and social and humanitarian commitment spirits. They also develop self-dignity. Practically, this program invites our secondary learners to devote an assigned number of free hours for community service in social and humanitarian organizations. Consequently, they learn more about and interact with God’s creation in the real world around them.

Cultural Program

This program supports the academic curriculum of cultural competencies and social skills. Through weekly sessions, mentored by facilitators from the educational body, our secondary learners discuss interconnected topics related to the general Theme of the Year and present it to their classmates in creative productions. Some of the educational goals of this program are: developing critical thinking, as well as, applying the art of communication, in addition to enriching their self-confidence, self-discipline and respect to each other.
Rather than providing answers, the Cultural Program opens new horizons of thought and research, thus helping learners realize concepts from different perspectives of cultural, social, moral, and spiritual dimensions.

Career Guidance Program

The Career Guidance Program meets the rising need for thorough professional guidance. Since learners in the Secondary Division go through major decision-making concerning their future career, this program helps learners relate their aptitudes and capabilities to their interests, character traits, and aspirations. It also familiarizes them with major fields of study in universities, as well as types of tasks and responsibilities required in various jobs from practitioners in the field. In this program, learners sit for personality tests, acquire emotional intelligence and self-help skills, and work on building a rich portfolio for university