We are Christian Orthodox Schools affiliated to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Beirut... Read More

Through the long established history of our school, and in order to consolidate the confidence... Read More

Our school adopts the following values:Respect for the uniqueness of each learner... Read More

His Eminence’s Message

أيّها الأحبّة،

كلَّ عام أتأمّلُ الأجيالَ المنطلقة إلى الحياة، وكلَّ عام أفتكرُ في ما سوف أقولُه لهم، علَّهم يحملون منه زادًا لتلك الحياة.

عندما أقفُ هنا، أنسى لبرهةٍ أنّني أسقفٌ، وأشعر بأنّي أبٌ يسلِّمُ أبناءَه المشعل، كي يفردوا أجنحــتَهم ويطيروا نحو الهدف الذي جلسوا، لسنواتٍ طوالٍ، على مقاعد الدراسة، يتهيّأون له.

فيا أبنائي وبناتي الأحبّاء ...اقرأ المزيد

Principal’s message

Dear SMOC family,

Opening a new chapter of this academic year can be both challenging and exciting. And so I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you all and wish you a successful year.

This year lies ahead with possibilities to be explored and dreams to be realized. With the help of the SMOC staff, our learners will experience academic, sporting, social, cultural and life-long learning.
I have no doubt that you, our learners, will take action to enhance your education, to make the most of opportunities that you are offered and take initiatives to ... Read More